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Edward Burne-Jones, George Eliot, and Richard Wagner: A Collision of Like -Minded Souls. pp. 26-44
Barry Millington
March 2016
Rossetti, Poynter and two bookcases commissioned by John Jones at the Victoria and Albert Museum
Max Donnelly
October 2016
Christie’s offers the makings of a Burne-Jones masterpiece - The Golden Stairs
Suzanne Lynn (Susan) Moore (Mrs David Ekserdjian)
December 2016
Renaissance to Regent Street: Harold Rathbone and the Della Robbia Pottery of Birkenhead
Dr Juliet Carroll
April 2017
Liberal dreaminess and The Golden Stairs of Edward Burne-Jones (1833-1898)
Professor Phyllis Weliver
April 2017
Performing upon her Painted Piano: The Burne-Jones Pianos and the Victorian Female Gender Performance
Amelia Kate Anderson
June 2017
Edward Burne-Jones's The Planets: Musical Spheres and Visions of a Benevolent Cosmos 2017
Professor Liana De Girolami Cheney
July 2017
Poetic Narrative in William Morris’ and Edward Burne-Jones’ Pygmalion project’
Dr Amelia Yeates
December 2017
Divine Provision and the “Preternatural Imagination” of Edward Burne-Jones in the Mosaics of “The American Church” in Rome
Professor Rachel Hostetter Smith